Discover unknown coasts together…

Out of the Ordinary

Open seas, inspiring company and a sailingship: the three basic elements for a sailing trip with Tallship Saeftinghe. A unique experience in which sailing is combined seamlessly with growing, discovering and inspiring each other.


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Out of the ordinary

Sailing with Tallship Saeftinghe is out of the ordinary. We are an organisation that brings people together for a unique sailing experience. Aimed at people who want to travel together, be on the move, roll up their sleeves. In short, aimed at people who want to work together to make every trip a success! We connect people and create inspiring journeys in an exceptional setting, namely at sea, on the ocean. Together with a small team, you go on (self)discovery. Trusting and supporting each other is therefore essential. During the trips, there is room for learning moments, for enlightening conversations, for reflection. 

Experience it!

Sail Training

Sail Training

Because to discover is to live.

The purpose of Sailt Training is the development and education of young people through Sail Training experiences, regardless of nationality, religion, gender or social…

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English Flag

From 2 April mandatory ETA for a (sailing) trip to England!


From 2 April 2025, Belgian and other European travellers will be required to apply for an Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) to travel to the United Kingdom (UK). This measure will…

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Ontwerp zonder titel 5

Together with Ocean's of Hope Challenge to the Far North


Ocean's of Hope Challenge & Arruno Exploration: to the Far North togetherFor the third year in a row, Arruno Exploration and sailing ship Saeftinghe are joining forces with Ocean's of…

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